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Discover how our technologies can bring you value - at every stage in the life cycle of a product and/or service

  • Evaluate your concepts and avoid launch failures
  • Regain control over commercial failures with consumer insights
  • Anticipate and prevent customer problems before they impact your revenues
  • Conduct a competitive analysis with your customers
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Evaluate your concepts and avoid launch failures

  • Understand the needs to be addressed and test your concepts
  • Develop products that really match your targets
  • Maximize the success of your launches
  • Optimize your R&D and Marketing costs


Regain control over commercial failures thanks to customer insights

  • Identify the reasons for your products' commercial failures and act accordingly thanks to predictive impact studies
  • Transform feedback into opportunities for improvement
  • Identify areas with high innovation potential
  • Stay competitive and optimize your costs


Anticipate customer problems before they impact your revenues

  • Create a unique brand experience to gather customer feedback
  • Collect customer feedback in minutes with digital simulations
  • Analyze feedback and act accordingly


Run competitive analyses of your products and services

  • Position yourself in relation to your competitors
  • Rely on feedback from your targets to gain insight into your market
  • Carry out various competitive analyses: features, prices, performance, etc.

Change the way you create better products.

Discover our Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience technologies to develop, improve and launch popular products and/or services.

Confidently rely on emotional metrics and predictive impact to meet your consumers' real expectations.