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R&D in Cosmetics : Improve your products with Neuroscience - Complete guide

R&D in Cosmetics : Improve your products with Neuroscience

Neuroscience and the cosmetics industry have been converging for over 30 years. But do you know the different mechanisms that come into play when you see beautiful packaging or apply a cream to your skin? Using Neuroscience to understand these mechanisms gives you the opportunity to think about a targeted R&D strategy. You can push back the boundaries of cosmetics by developing products tailored to consumer expectations.

Neuroscience studies the nervous system in all its forms: functional, chemical, physiological, etc. By studying the sensory, emotional and cognitive responses of individuals, you can better understand consumer preferences for the texture, smell and appearance of cosmetic products.


Neuroscience is redefining industry standards, offering more effective solutions. The key to success in the cosmetics industry is to listen to consumers' needs and demands at all times, and to be the first to invest in R&D to develop a product that meets their requirements.

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Table of contents of the complete guide - Cosmetics R&D: Improve your products with Neuroscience.



  • Introduction 

- The importance of R&D in the cosmetics industry
- Neuroscience and its relevance to cosmetics

  • Understanding consumers and the market
- Analysis of market trends
- Consumer preferences : their needs, desires and perceptions of cosmetic products
- How can neuroscience help us understand consumers' emotional and cognitive reactions ?
  • Conclusion
- The competitive advantages of integrating neuroscience into cosmetics R&D
  • Key takeaways

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