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Conduct a semantic analysis of customer reviews

Conduct a semantic analysis of customer reviews

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Semantic analysis : definition

Semantic analysis is a method of understanding the meaning and context of the natural language used in a text or discourse. It goes beyond simple keyword recognition to interpret the overall meaning and nuances of human language. It extracts relevant information such as the opinions, emotions and intentions of speakers.

This analysis uncovers valuable trends, patterns and insights from large quantities of textual data. In the context of customer reviews, it allows us to interpret and understand how people feel about a product, service or experience by examining the words used to describe it.

How to perform a semantic analysis of customer reviews ?

  • Data collection

Collect a representative set of customer reviews from various channels and sources, such as social networks, discussion forums, online review platforms, etc.

  • Sentiment analysis

Evaluate the general attitude of customers towards your products and services, and classify each review as positive, negative or neutral according to the language used.

  • Topic and verbatim extraction

By identifying the main topics addressed in reviews, you can gain an overview of their customers' concerns, opinions and trends. This will enable you to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your products and/or services.

  • Identify trends, insights and visualize results

Analyze results to identify trends, recurring patterns and key emerging insights. And visualize data to graphically represent the results of semantic analysis.


Why use semantic analysis for customer reviews ?

  • Identify frequent themes and topics

Understand which topics have an impact on the customer. These are the topics that come up frequently in reviews. You can categorize these reviews by theme

  • Track changes in customer satisfaction

By regularly analyzing customer reviews over time, semantic analysis enables you to track the evolution of customer satisfaction. It can detect positive and negative trends, as well as changes in customers' opinions and feelings about the brand or product/service.

  • Improved marketing strategy and product/service development

By gaining an in-depth understanding of customer opinions, needs and expectations, semantic analysis guides strategic decisions in marketing and product/service development. It enables us to identify areas for improvement and strengthen customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Measure product attractiveness and boost experience

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