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AI for qualitative and quantitative research

AI for qualitative and quantitative research

Artificial Intelligence has radically transformed the way we collect, analyse and interpret data across diverse domains. Qualitative research, which focuses on understanding people and perceptions, and quantitative research, which focuses on measuring and analysing digital data on a large scale, are both benefiting from advances in AI.

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AI in the qualitative study

  • AI-assisted qualitative data collection

Our sophisticated algorithms for natural language processing and semantic analysis of viewers enable us to extract rich, nuanced information from sources such as interviews, case studies, etc. This approach not only reduces the time needed to collect data, but also improves its quality.

  • Analysis of qualitative data

Traditionally, qualitative data analysis requires deep immersion in unstructured data such as traditional interviews, focus groups, etc. Artificial Intelligence automates and enriches the analysis process. Our natural language processing techniques make it possible to detect themes, assess sentiments, and even discover emerging trends from vast sets of qualitative data.


AI in the quantitative study

  • AI-assisted quantitative data collection

Artificial intelligence is transforming quantitative data collection by making the process faster, more accurate and more efficient. AI dynamically adjusts questions based on previous responses, ensuring greater relevance and reduced response bias. Machine learning algorithms are used to pre-process and clean the data collected.

  • Analysis of quantitative data

AI algorithms, in particular those for Machine Learning and advanced statistics, make it possible to process massive volumes of data with unrivalled speed and accuracy. Artificial Intelligence also automates analytical processes, reducing human error and speeding up data processing. It offers predictive capabilities and real-time analysis, enriching the accuracy of conclusions and helping to anticipate future trends.

Benefits of AI for qualitative and quantitative research

Increased efficiency

Speeds up data collection and analysis.

Improved accuracy

Reduces human error and improves the accuracy of results.

Motives detection

Identification of trends and complex correlations.

Real-time analysis

Enables instant insights and rapid forecasting.


Simplifies repetitive tasks and reduces the need for manual intervention.

Data volume

Manage and process large data sets with ease.
Artificial Intelligence not only makes the work of researchers and analysts easier, it also opens up new avenues for more relevant discoveries and fact-based, data-driven decision-making. By integrating AI into research processes, you can fully exploit the potential of data to achieve optimal results.

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